The effectiveness of the use of bioresonance and multiresonance therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with traumatic atrophy of the optic nerve

The effectiveness of the use of bioresonance and multiresonance therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with traumatic atrophy of the optic nerve

AUTHORS : Tarakanovsky A. V. 

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after Helmholtz, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1998  | Category : Method of treatment

The problem of rehabilitation and restoration of visual functions in posttraumatic atrophy of the optic nerves is one of the most urgent in modern ophthalmology. Conventional therapeutic methods, such as local and systemic application of microcirculants, vitamins, neurotropic stimulants, etc., do not give a noticeable therapeutic effect. As a result, this pathology becomes the cause of the disability of people of working age and children.

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