R. Voll’s method and family toxicology (Scientific Union homotoxicology and electro-perturbative diagnostics according to Voll in the fight against infectious diseases that are transmitted genetically, in the aspect of familial medicine)

R. Voll’s method and family toxicology (Scientific Union homotoxicology and electro-perturbative diagnostics according to Voll in the fight against infectious diseases that are transmitted genetically, in the aspect of familial medicine)

AUTHORS : Nikolyshin I.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : General Director of the ARIADNA Medical and Diagnostic Center, Lviv, Ukraine
YEAR : 1998  | Category : Method of treatment

The role of biological medicine is rapidly growing today both in Ukraine, Russia, and in Western European countries. The widespread homotoxicology and the use of its principles in medical practice give good results. This is evidenced by the materials with which I have read, as well as my communication with highly qualified specialists in this field.

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