Five-element human structure, chakras and color choice in M. Luscher’s test

Five-element human structure, chakras and color choice in M. Luscher’s test

AUTHORS : Shehab L.F. | Shehab H.Yu.

RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Tver, Russia; Saida, Lebanon
YEAR : 1998  |  Category : Educational

Since ancient times, it has been known that colors directly affect the state of mind of a person and different people perceive the same colors in different ways. The impact of color is a targeted transmission of information through a magnetic field that permeates the entire human body. Colors are the main indicator of a person’s potential. The colors change depending on the psychological state of the patient, depend on the circulation of the energy of the meridians, chakras and the five-element structure of the body, as well as the psychological characteristics of the personality.

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