Aspects of the synchronizing effect of music therapy on the human body. Influence of musical timbres on the electrical conductivity of acupuncture points
AUTHORS : Shusharjan S.V.
RELEVANT UNIVERSITIES : Institute of Traditional Medicine and Music Therapy, Moscow, Russia
YEAR : 1996 | Category : Research
We live in a world of rhythms, and every living process is rhythmic . The world is prone to fluctuations, but the identity and similarity of rhythms are only apparent. The time sequence of the interaction of various functional systems of the organism with the environment, worked out by the entire course of evolution, contributes to harmonious coordination, adjustment of different rhythmic biological processes in one way and thereby ensures the normal vital activity of the whole organism . Violation of this coordination leads to “damage”, “hollow” of the regulatory physiological systems of the body and, ultimately, the emergence of a disease state . The fact is that the cyclical fluctuation of physiological processes, from the point of view of energy, is biologically most expedient, beneficial and corresponds to the principle of optimal organization .